Mo, Ozzy, Marshall, and Malcom taking naps and having fun!

Friday, January 30, 2009

More pictures

This is Marshall at Uncle Larry and Aunt Janet's house the day we flew home from Seattle. Thanks, GiGi for the super cute picture! We love his big grin! Something we miss when the teething makes him too miserable!
This is Marshall trying to get me when I tried to take his picture. I had him on his back aways away from me to take the picture because those jammies have a sheriff's star and say Daddy's Little Deputy. he rolled and rolled to get me. Silly baby.

Bath time! He's modest this time and everything! Hooray for the rubber duckies.
What is Marshall doing here? He looks so serious. He won't even glance at Mommy.
(Yes, GiGi. That is a Seahawks shirt!)

It's Elmo's World! Seriously, the little song comes on and Marshall's eyes go directly to the TV. No matter what he's doing. Makes Nursing at 1:45 a little tricky to say the least, so we mixed up his feeding schedule so he eats real food at 2. :)

This picture also highlights the new addition . . . . Austin's fancy TV. TaDa! And super cute pictures Brenda took.
If you're interested, you should cruise over to Trevor and Michelle's blog. Actually, it's Michelle's blog about her and Trevor. I don't think Trevor writes on it. Anyway, she posted pics of that Preggie belly! Atticus looks like he's growing really well!

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