Mo, Ozzy, Marshall, and Malcom taking naps and having fun!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

And the results are in . . .

I decided to take a pregnancy test on Saturday night. We are pregnant! I'm about six weeks, so no baby until July, which is good news for the rest of my school year. My husband is freaking out excited. He's going to be a daddy! He tells everybody. :) I'm happy too . . . when I'm not sick. :) I'm getting used to the tired. So, that's our big news. I'll post pics when I look more pregnant and you can see how it goes along. Our baby is the size of a little bean! Woo hoo! I have to choose a doctor now and get in before Christmas . . . fun times! Good thing today is my last workday of the week!


Michelle & Trevor said...

AAH, I am still so freaking excited for you guys!! Haha, I can picture Austin running around praising his sperm :)You are going to be the cutest pregnant lady ever. It's so lucky that those roomy tie-back shirts are in style, you can shop for maternity clothes pretty much anywhere until the last couple of months.

neongolden said...

Congratulations, Moni! That's so freaking amazingly wonderful. :) Oh, and it's Marla, btw. ;)

Campbell Family said...

Congrats, Moni! I'm so excited for you. Yea! What fun.


My hubby loves 'em . . . .

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