Mo, Ozzy, Marshall, and Malcom taking naps and having fun!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Baby Mac Update

I went to the doctor and here are the stats . . . .

Oh, warning, this is about female reproductive parts because, well, I'm reproducing.

I'm measuring at 37 weeks. This means that my uterus is 37 cm bottom to top.
I'm dialated to 2 cm. This means my cervix is open to a hole that is 2 cm in diameter.
I'm 50% effaced. This means the lining of my uterus where the baby will come through is 50% thinned out.

I don't know when I will have him, though. There's no way to tell because this is the first time everything has been checked since April. If there's no baby out next week, I'll know how fast things are progressing because I go back to the doctor Thursday.

Hey, maybe there could be a poll about this . . .

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