Mo, Ozzy, Marshall, and Malcom taking naps and having fun!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Panic in the Parking Lot

Ozzy and I had to make a Wal-Mart run on Saturday night. My mother-in-law's birthday is Sunday and Ozzy, well, he's wonderful. He gets so excited once he knows about a gift he'd like to give that he always gives it early. This is why I knew about the anniversary trip. (Which is just two weeks away!) He didn't know what to get his mom until I told him that every shopping day for the last month she's been sighing over a Radio Flyer with fold up seats and seat belts for little people. She always says, "Maybe when my stimulous check comes." (Which, as an aside, is pretty poky about getting here, if you ask me. Whenever we finally see ours, we'll have to throw it in the savings account to cover gas prices. So much for stimulating the economy.)

So, Ozzy gets super excited about the wagon. Last week we checked the close Wal-Mart, and they were all out. He spreads the news to his Dad and sisters. "Do NOT buy mom a wagon for her birthday. We claim it! Too bad for you!" We researched on line where to get it and which stores had it in stock. Wal-Mart said to call the store, but no one answered the phone. I know, shocker. So we ran to the other Wal-Mart and were triumphant. We got the wagon!

Ozzy ran it right over to his house. His sister got to work putting it together. They plunked her seven week old baby in it on a pillow and one happy grandma took that confused baby for a ride. Yesterday she hid the wagon in her bedroom so no kids but her grandkids could use it. But her GREAT reaction was not the best part.

THE BEST PART: We parked my mini van in the row of mini vans. A teenage girl was helping her mom put the groceries in their trunk. As she threw the last bag in, her mom took the cart to put it away. Suddenly a huge green watermelon comes rolling out of the back of the van and bounces off the pavement and starts rolling down the blacktop with a red gash in one end, leaving a trail of sticky juice. The girl starts flapping her hands and yelling, "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" and scoops it up like an injured child. I'm trying to hide the laughter. I sneak a peak at my hubby who has a smirk on his face. "Am I the only one who found that funny?" He busts out laughing. It was so freaking hillarious. We spent the rest of the day yelling oh no! Tee hee.


Michelle & Trevor said...

YES it's awesome that your mom got a facebook account! Can't you just see her crusing around the profiles and updating her status?

That's hilarious about the watermelon... but I'd probably do the same thing! I love watermelon like no other.

neongolden said...

Moni, can you send me your mailing address? I think you may have already and I lost it......I would like to mail things to your tummy (Or the renter inside, I guess) and wedding stuff as well.

Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.


My hubby loves 'em . . . .

my visual dna