Mo, Ozzy, Marshall, and Malcom taking naps and having fun!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Ozzy says I'm so sleepy because I'm growing a baby. Okay. But I am SO SLEEPY! I don't get things done, I just want a nap!

REXBURG - was really fun. And cold. We are glad we don't live there. It was good to see my mom and let her be all excited about the baby. Depending on which weekend my grandparents decide to be in Idaho, there's a chance she could rent a car and come to the ultrasound on the 7th. That would be really cool. We got to see Trevor and Michelle's house and see Piper high on catnip too. Funny stuff, that. We went swimming. It made the baby freak out. It was funny and a little uncomfortable and bothersome because I like to swim. The chlorine made me itchy for three days, so maybe I won't be pregnant pool queen. We took Mandy's friend wedding dress shopping. This is a little crazy. She's not actually engaged yet. I can't talk, though, because I had no ring and had my hubby help me pick out a dress. So far, not bad luck. Knock on wood. Or whatever superstitious nonsense one must do. We also took the ski rack off the van and handed it over to Trevor for his car. Now I'll have to be embarassed or enraged when someone says, "nice rack". I gave them the benefit of the doubt before.

GRANDMA - I got your package. The pages are great. We had fun looking at them! Thanks for sending them. I'll have to remember and not fall asleep Friday. I could call you because I wouldn't be interrupting American Idol. Are you loving that show this season? It looks pretty good!

MOM - I think I'll call you tonight. I think my sweetheart has to stay late at work. I'm glad you got home okay. It was a pretty crazy trip. I hope your trip in July is not nearly that crazy.

BABY - We got a crib on Monday and set it up. Ok, Ozzy set it up while I took a nap (I'm not kidding about this excessive napping deal). It's cherry wood and really pretty. That evening, Becky brought us a crib mattress and green polka dot sheet to go with it. Cute stuff! I like to look at it. My baby can hear now, so we talk to it. Ozzy puts his face on the baby and talks to it at night. We don't actually know whether he is talking to the baby's head or bum, but I guess it doesn't matter. And why do I have to gain tenor twelve pounds for this 1/2 pound child? I'm sure uterus gunk. placenta, and water doesn't weigh that much . . . I guess it's close enough.


neongolden said...

You're growing a baby....My coworker friend, who is 5 days less pregnant than you are....well, I tell her that she is baking a ham. And her child is now referred to as "the ham". Perhaps it's for the best that you and I live in different states. (She finds out if it is a boy ham or a girl ham on my birthday! And you find out just before yours! I am the most excited non-pregnant person on the planet. Maybe.)

Michelle & Trevor said...

Geez, I nap a ton already... I wonder how bad I'll be when we get pregnant....


My hubby loves 'em . . . .

my visual dna