Another 3 day old picture. Just think, he's even cuter now! Right now he's napping. This means I should probably be napping. It takes babies a couple weeks to learn night and day, so we're still learning to deal with interrupted sleep and play time at 3 am. Last night he did really well. He woke up every two hours to be fed and checked for messes. This made me sleepy, but he did go right back to sleep every time. Some nights he wants to stay up for 2 or 3 hours. Did you know that I l,ove Lucy and Leave it to Beaver are about your only non-paid-programming options at 4am? I guess there's an old sporting event on ESPN, but I'm trying to stay awake so I don't drop the poor thing! Luckily, grandma (my mom) is here for a few weeks and is an early riser, so when I'm sitting up with him and I hear her downstairs, we decide it's "grandma time". This gives Ozzy and I up to 4 hours of un-interrupted sleep! My boy likes to nap in the morning. Ozzy is good about getting up with him, changing him, and rocking him to sleep. I still have to get up, as the food supply. :) We love our boy and we REALLY love Grandma!
I'll post a pic of me with the baby soon. I still looked 6 months pregnant after he was born, and that's a little depressing. Normal, but still. Anyhow, Feeding him has made my belly slim down a lot and I look more like 3 or 4 months along. Woo hoo! I guess all that late night sleepy baby snuggling has to have a payoff, right?